Automation through Bots

Search engines deliver functionality we rely upon every day. Search engines use bots to crawl the web and create indexes - simple and structurally repetitive tasks ideally suited for bots.

You can define a bot as “a software application that runs automated tasks over the Internet. Typically, bots perform tasks that are both simple and structurally repetitive, at a much higher rate than would be possible for a human alone.” Bots automate routine tasks in software applications you likely use every day.

Search engines deliver functionality we rely upon every day. Search engines use bots to crawl the web and create indexes – simple and structurally repetitive tasks ideally suited for bots. By using bots, search engines get more data, get it faster, and have fewer errors than would have been possible if humans did all of the work.

Social media sites use lots of different bots to enhance communications and networking. The next time you share an article via social media, a bot will grab the title, the first line of the story, and a related image, and share it with your friends. If you had to grab these pieces of information separately (and had my keyboard skills), you’d think twice about sharing. But with bots automating the task, it becomes fast, easy, and error-free.

Last year, for the first time ever, bots outnumbered people on the web. More Internet tasks are being completed by bots than by people. If you’re looking to increase productivity – getting more done with the same number of people – bots seem like a successful strategy. So why not apply bots to the enterprise applications that run your business?

End-to-end automation can handle more data volumes faster and with fewer errors than people-driven processes. A payroll process that starts with approved time transactions should be able to use bots to aggregate pay, apply deductions and garnishments, compute taxes and withholdings, and allocate expenses according to rules defined by the organization. People are tasked with reviewing and approving the results, then the bots handle the distribution of funds and paperwork, including the filing of taxes, communication with benefit providers, and more. Each of the tasks performed by a bot is both simple and structurally repetitive – better performed by a bot than by people. People can then focus on tasks better performed by people than bots.

At HarrisData, we’ve developed AppsInHD as our enterprise platform of the future with a strong focus on end-to-end automation through bots. In all of our enterprise applications – HRIS, CRM, and ERP – productivity will soar as bots take on more of the workload.


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