Focus, Execute, and Finish

Focus, Execute, and Finish. 2019 will be what we make of it, not what the rest of the world tells us it should be.

Inspired by my devotional today from Rhett Walker, the timing was impeccable in how the combination of these three principles align with my vision for our company’s approach to 2019.

Focus. Do everything possible to ignore the distractions, filter out the noise, think long term, be patient, and remain true to yourself and your ideals. When the daily newspaper arrives at the office each morning the front page is loaded with noise, negativity, short term perspective, and encouragement to stray into the abyss of the pack. If I owned a bird, the paper would find a new home at the bottom of the cage. Time to cancel that subscription (it doesn’t matter which one it is these days).

Execute. Build a plan, follow the plan, improve the plan, course correct when and where necessary, but never lose focus. Once we lose focus, we fail to properly and effectively execute. We have a really good plan, really good people to execute the plan, great customers, and great solutions for the marketplace. We learn from our mistakes and we plunge forward remaining focused on the plan and if we keep the plan simple, it is easier to execute.Rallying the organization around the plan and keeping the collective individuals focused allows for optimal execution. We all know what we need to do, let’s go do it…together!

Finish. Start the day with focus and a mind toward execution then finish each day leaving nothing on the table. The way to finish each day strong is to never lose sight of what is most important—the treatment of each other. For us, we are a team, a family.We take care of each other and put self aside for the accomplishment of the better good. We respect our business partners.To the best of our ability, we help our customers succeed. We enter the marketplace each day not for ourselves, but for what we can offer others, because that is the true reward, that is how you finish well. We strive to finish each day hearing the still soft voice that whispers the words, ‘well done’.

Focus, execute, and finish. 2019 will be what we make of it, not what the rest of the world tells us it should be.



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