Imagine working with a software company that has a culture focused on what matters most. What matters to them is what matters to you.

What are you really buying? Technology? Really? Jumping on the next Unicorn are you? Chasing all the buzz words invented daily by the High-Tech know it all’s? OK, fine. Get out your checkbook, go on your merry way, there’s no need to read on.

Burnt out on long lead times, endless spending, and constant disruption to your business all while you reach for that fleeting value proposition from the ten legged software sales call from eighteen months ago? There is hope.

You can stop setting your decision criteria based on a certain feature set described in the latest ‘White Paper Quadrant’ and try a different approach, an alternative to the trend. There may actually be an option that ends well (or that actually ends if you know what I mean).

How about trying a conservative approach? An approach that resonates well in the SMB space where companies are most often family owned and operated, and profitability and employees matter. Picture a place where you are empowered to be successful, your investment is controllable and associated with real value, you implement only what your organization can consume, and you are provided with the source code to the application you’ve licensed.

Imagine working with a software company that has a culture focused on what matters most. What matters to them is what matters to you. You strive to remove constraints and unleash new opportunities for your company that drives revenue and lower costs. You desire to live in reality, where there are no magical coins or mystical creatures that exist in fanciful stories written by those that created an imaginary world for their benefit rather than yours.

There is good news. Reality still exists. There is a different approach. We call it ‘Vitality’.


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